Unique Building is a trusted Christchurch construction company, we provide end-to-end build, repair, and renovation for your EQC On-Sold Property. We have expert knowledge when it comes to earthquake repairs and we work closely with EQC and private insurers.
On August 15th, 2019 the government announced a new package for owners of on-sold over-cap properties in Canterbury. If you’ve purchased your home in Canterbury and discovered that it is damaged over the EQC cap, you may be eligible for the package to cover the cost of repairs. This package is only available for registrations before 14th August 2020.
“On-sold over-cap” means that the earthquake repairs will cost more than the original payout amount. We can help you through the process and registration through to the completion of your repairs.
For more information, visit https://www.eqc.govt.nz/